Friday, June 25, 2010

Week 10: Share Contents & Usage Summary

Snow Peas-

Squash- sliced, broiled in toaster oven, sprinkled with parmesan

Lettuce- salad

Scallions- added to chicken salad recipe in place of red onion

Roma Beans

Cucumbers- added to chicken salad recipe, added to guacamle

Turnips- roasted with celery, scallion, garlic and herbs

Kohlrabi or Beets- my share didn't contain these wonderful items :(


This vegetable is a member of the turnip family and, for that reason, is also called cabbage turnip. Like the turnip, both its purple-tinged, white bulblike stem and its greens are edible. The kohlrabi bulb tastes like a mild, sweet turnip. It's available from midspring to midfall. Those under 3 inches in diameter are the most tender. Choose a kohlrabi that is heavy for its size with firm, deeply colored green leaves. Avoid any with soft spots on the bulb or signs of yellowing on leaf tips. Store tightly wrapped up to 4 days in the refrigerator. Kohlrabi's best steamed, but can also be added to soups and stews as well as used in stir-fries. It's rich in potassium and vitamin C.


  1. Kohlrabi. We got it last week. Made kohlrabi and apple slaw (to go with a BBQ dinner), but I was kind of at a loss for what to do with it.

  2. The slaw was a good choice given the hot and sticky weather recently. Sounds great! I would have been inclined to roast the kohlrabi, but this recipe for Sauteed Kale with Kohlrabi sounds delicious and healthy.
