Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Cabbage salad with radishes, cucumbers, scallions & citrus vinaigrette

This salad comes together quickly and it is a great way to use up your cabbage. Like turnips, cabbage is a cruciferous vegetable, which means that it may provide protection against some cancers. And, it contains vitamin C and vitamin A.

Chinese cabbage- julienned
cucumber, chopped
radishes, julienned
scallions, julienned

Toss the cabbage and vegetables together and dress with the vinaigrette.


  1. We also got those radishes. Radishes?! I didn't know what to do with them, so I included them in quinoa tabouleh.

    I'm enjoying your blog. It is very helpful.

  2. I never bought radishes for home use before I joined the CSA. Now I love them! Then one week they weren't included in the share and I really missed them. Ooo, quinoa tabouleh sounds like a great way to get your whole grains (and complete protein!). Can you share the recipe?

  3. Sure. Here it is.
    2 c. water
    1 c quinoa
    1 pinch salt
    1/4 c olive oil
    1/2 t salt
    1/4 c lemon juice
    3 tomatoes, diced
    2 bunches green onions, diced
    2 carrots (I used radishes)
    1 c. fresh parsley (I used mint)
    feta to taste
    cumin to taste

    -cook quinoa in water and salt
    -mix all ingredients in with cooled quiona
